Meet Our Doctors

Dr. Webster Wilbert Lim

Integrative Medicine - Acupuncture

Dr. Webster Lim a Bedan Physician from San Veda University of Medicine, who practices Integrative Medicine specializing in Chinese (Beijing) Acupuncture and Traditional Cupping for pain syndromes and various medical conditions through the use of a more natural and alternative way of self healing of the body.

He is a certified associate medical acupuncturist of Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care and received his certification in Introductory and Advanced course of acupuncture and moxibustion and Master Tung at China Beijing International Acupuncture Training Center under China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences in Beijing.

Dr. Webster is a distinguished resource speaker in Moxibution and Acupuncture for Allergy and Allergic Rhinitis and Clinical Mentoring on Dry Cupping at Phippine Academy of Acupuncture, Inc.

He is working closely with the Philippines former Department of Health Secretary, Dr. Jaime Galvez Tan, in advocating and utilizing the use of Traditional Filipino Herbal Medicines or the treatment of various medical diseases through nature’s natural powers of healing. Further, Dr. Webster appeared as a guest in Dr. Jaime Galvez Tan’s radio show titled “Doctor’s Order” at DWWW 774 with Nurse Nathalie David to talk about the benefits of Acupuncture and Ventosa treatments in today’s modern society.

Dr. Joanna "Aisa" Yamamoto

General and Functional Medicine

Dr. Joanna Yamamoto, or “Doc Aisa” as she is sometimes called, is a graduate of the University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, with the highest distinction of Summa Cum Laude.

She spent a year at the Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where she learned from some of the most brilliant minds practicing the Art and Science of Medicine.

Dr. Aisa has been trained in the field of Functional Medicine through the Institute for Functional Medicine in the United States and is currently practicing alongside Dr. Joe Yamamoto and many of the other experts in this field.

Dr. Jose Yamamoto

TCV Surgery and Functional Medicine

Dr. Jose Yamamoto, or “Joe Yam” as many people fondly call him, is a Thoracic and Cardiovascular surgeon who has been practicing for decades. He graduated Magna cum Laude from the University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Medicine and Surgery. He underwent training in General Surgery in UST Hospital and in Bronx Lebanon Hospital, New York.

Dr. Jose further subspecialized in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery in Houston, Texas (Texas Heart Institute - St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital) and in Washington Hospital Center in Washington DC..Dr. Joe came back from the United States after his training and devoted his time teaching and practicing in the University of Santo Tomas and in other major hospitals in Metro Manila.

He is a fellow in several renowned institutions including the Philippine College of Surgeons, the American College of Surgeons, the American College of Cardiology and the Philippine Heart Association. He has also been Past President of the Philippine Association of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons (PATACSI).

Further, Dr. Joe is distinguished in his field and has been part of many groundbreaking milestones, including participation in the first successful heart transplant in the Philippines in 1994. He continues to practice Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery and has expanded his practice by incorporating the Functional Medicine approach into his practice.

He has undergone training from the Institute for Functional Medicine in the United States and currently practicing with his daughter, Dr. Joanna Yamamoto.

Dr. Robin Velasco

Existential and Transpersonal Psychotherapist

Dr. Robin Velasco has a Masters and PhD degree in Existential, Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychology from Saybrook University, located in San Francisco, California.

He specialized in Consciousness, Spirituality and Integrative Health (CSIH). During his studies he garnered a grade point average of 3.97 (out of 4.0), and received the Best Dissertation award from the university. He is a certified existential humanistic therapist by the Existential Humanistic Institute in Berkely, California.

Dr.Robin focuses in helping his clients to find meaning in their lives, discover their authentic true self, facilitate their inner search process and alleviating symptoms of depression, anxiety and trauma. To achieve these, he uses various methodologies which include but not limited to: the study and analysis of a client’s subjective experiences of the past and present and the focus on self-actualization, individuation, psychological and spiritual growth over the elimination of illness.

He also uses dream work/ analysis, hypnosis, meditation, emotional freedom technique, visualization and many others, and uses them depending on the client’s needs and preferences.

Dr. Robin’s objectives are to help the client grow and maintain healthy and meaningful relationships with themselves and others, remove obstacles that are blocking them from living fuller meaningful lives, and to practice personal responsibility and self-direction to be able to live one’s life according to one’s authentic self.

Dr. Bernadette Cano

General and Functional Medicine

Dr. Bernadette Cano is a Registered Nurse and has a PhD degree in Alternative Medicines with focus on Nutritional Medicine applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice (IFM). She specialized in Detoxification, Autoimmune Conditions, and Nutritional/ Lifestyle Medicine.

Dr. Cano is an advocate of paradigm shift in medical practices and dedicated to imparting awareness and understanding of various sicknesses, promoting patient-centered approach in restoring well-being and empowering people to take charge of their health.

Michelle Arabelo

Michelle “Chelie” Arabelo, is a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach by Functional Medicine Coaching Academy (FMCA), USA, the only Health Coaching Certification program that incorporated the Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM), USA curriculum. She is trained to counsel clients and address their health issues through lifestyle change using the Functional Medicine biology-systems approach. Her expertises are guidance on Nutrition, Application various meals plans such as Ketogenic and Elimination diet; focus on healing the Gut Microbiome through food, coaches on Weight loss management and Hormonal Imbalance for Women.

Before becoming a Health coach, Michelle was trained as a Professional Chef and earned her Diploma on Professional Culinary and Pastry Arts Baking from the Global Culinary and Hospitality Academy. Coach Michelle, completed her Business degree in College at Miriam College, Quezon City and took Masteral units on Food Service Administration at the University of the Philippines, Diliman.

She has attended various conferences such as the Advancing Functional Medicine Conference and 1st Applying Functional Medicine Clinical Practice. Currently, she owns Blue Plate Meals, a food delivery service, providing nutritious whole food, low carbohydrates, gluten-free in meaningful meals since 2015.

Dr. Homer Lim